```{eval-rst} .. tutorials-retrieve-identity: ``` # Retrieve an identity In this tutorial we will retrieve the identity created in the [Register an Identity tutorial](../../tutorials/identities-and-names/register-an-identity.md). ## Prerequisites - [General prerequisites](../../tutorials/introduction.md#prerequisites) (Node.js / Dash SDK installed) - A configured client: [Setup SDK Client](../setup-sdk-client.md) - A Dash Platform Identity: [Tutorial: Register an Identity](../../tutorials/identities-and-names/register-an-identity.md) ## Code ```javascript const setupDashClient = require('../setupDashClient'); const client = setupDashClient(); const retrieveIdentity = async () => { return client.platform.identities.get('an identity ID goes here'); }; retrieveIdentity() .then((d) => console.log('Identity retrieved:\n', d.toJSON())) .catch((e) => console.error('Something went wrong:\n', e)) .finally(() => client.disconnect()); ``` ## Example Identity The following example response shows a retrieved identity: ```json { "protocolVersion":0, "id":"6Jz8pFZFhssKSTacgQmZP14zGZNnFYZFKSbx4WVAJFy3", "publicKeys":[ { "id":0, "type":0, "data":"A4zZl0EaRBB6IlDbyR80YUM2l02qqNUCoIizkQxubtxi" } ], "balance":10997588, "revision":0 } ``` ## What's Happening After we initialize the Client, we request an identity. The `platform.identities.get` method takes a single argument: an identity ID. After the identity is retrieved, it is displayed on the console.