# DAPIClient **Usage**: `new DAPIClient(options)` **Description**: This method creates a new DAPIClient instance. Parameters: | parameters | type | required[def value] | Description | | :------------------------------ | :------------------ | :-------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **options** | Object | | | | **options.dapiAddressProvider** | DAPIAddressProvider | no[ListDAPIAddressProvider] | Allow to override the default dapiAddressProvider (do not allow seeds or dapiAddresses params) | | **options.seeds** | string\[] | no[seeds] | Allow to override default seeds (to connect to specific node) | | **options.network** | string | no[=evonet] | Allow to setup the network to be used (livenet, testnet, evonet,..) | | **options.timeout** | number | no[=2000] | Used to specify the timeout time in milliseconds. | | **options.retries** | number | no[=3] | Used to specify the number of retries before aborting and erroring a request. | | **options.baseBanTime** | number | no[=6000] | | Returns : DAPIClient instance. ```js const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client'); const client = new DAPIClient({ timeout: 5000, retries: 3, network: 'livenet' }); ```