# broadcastTransaction **Usage**: `await client.core.broadcastTransaction(transaction)` **Description**: Allow to broadcast a valid **signed** transaction to the network. Parameters: | parameters | type | required | Description | | ------------------------- | ------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **transaction** | Buffer | yes | A valid Buffer representation of a transaction | | **options** | Object | | | | **options.allowHighFees** | Boolean | no[=false] | As safety measure, "absurd" fees are rejected when considered to high. This allow to overwrite that comportement | | **options.bypassLimits** | Boolean | no[=false] | Allow to bypass default transaction policy rules limitation | Returns : transactionId (string). N.B : The TransactionID provided is subject to [transaction malleability](https://docs.dash.org/projects/core/en/stable/docs/guide/transactions-transaction-malleability.html), and is not a source of truth (the transaction might be included in a block with a different txid).