# Quick start ## ES5/ES6 via NPM In order to use this library in Node, you will need to add it to your project as a dependency. Having [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/) installed, just type in your terminal : ```sh npm install @dashevo/dapi-client ``` ## CDN Standalone For browser usage, you can also directly rely on unpkg : ``` ``` You can see an [example usage here](https://github.com/dashpay/platform/blob/master/packages/js-dapi-client/examples/web/web.usage.html) . ## Initialization ```js const DAPIClient = require('@dashevo/dapi-client'); const client = new DAPIClient(); (async () => { const bestBlockHash = await client.core.getBestBlockHash(); console.log(bestBlockHash); })(); ``` ## Quicknotes This package allows you to fetch & send information from both the payment chain (layer 1) and the application chain (layer 2, a.k.a Platform chain).